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Domestic Links

1. Reserve Bank of India www.rbi.org.in
2. Ministry of Finance www.finmin.nic.in
3. Ministry of Commerce www.commin.nic.in
4. Securities and Exchange Board of India www.sebi.gov.in
5. Indian Banks' Association www.iba.org.in
6. Indian Institute of Bankers www.iib-online.org
7. Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India www.fedai.org.in
8. Directorate General of Foreign Trade www.dgft.delhi.nic.in
9. National Stock Exchange of India Limited www.nseindia.com
10. Bombay Stock Exchange www.bseindia.com
11. MCX Stock Exchange Limited www.mcx-sx.com
12. The Clearing Corporation of India Limited www.ccilindia.com
13. Association of Mutual Funds of India www.amfiindia.com
14. Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives www.fimmda.org
15. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research www.igidr.ac.in
16. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy www.cmie.com
International Links
1. The World Bank www.worldbank.org
2. International Monetary Fund www.imf.org
3. Bank for International Settlements, Basel www.bis.org
4. International Swaps and Derivatives Association www.isda.org
5. British Bankers Association www.bba.org.uk
6. The Federal Reserve www.federalreserve.gov
7. Securities and Exchange Commission (US) www.sec.gov
8. European Central Bank www.ecb.int
9. Bank of Japan www.bankofengland.co.uk
10. Bank of England www.boj.or.jp
11. Swiss National Bank www.snb.chl
12. Reserve Bank of Australia www.rba.gov.au
13. Bank of Canada www.bankofcanada.ca
14. International Finance Corporation www.ifc.org
15. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development www.oecd.org
16. The Institute for International Economics www.iie.com
17. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries www.opec.org